Rockfield has been at the forefront of mining simulations in excess of 25 years and has the simulation technology to model deep level, rock blasts, block caving, quarrying and open pit mining along with slope stability & retaining walls.

A key factor in improving safety amongst the mining community is to control the stress changes due to excavation as high stresses may result in excessive fracturing and fragmentation and potentially cause rock-bursts resulting from the seismic activity.

Elfen Advanced provides a full understanding of the stress regime, deformation, seismogenic zone, particle size prediction and production profile that results from the excavation of open pits, long wall mines or sub-level caves.

Progression of Predictive Cave Profile


Seismogenic Zone in a Block Cave


Improving safety with Elfen Advanced providing a fully comprehensive understanding of the stress regime.

Features and Benefits

  • Fast, efficient and intuitive UI which permits the rapid construction of complex mining geometry
  • Incorporate in-situ fracture sets from external software (e.g. FracMan) and assess their impact on the mining process
  • Populate the models from materials database, log data or from seismic survey data
  • Capture the stress and deformation evolution of the host rock throughout the mining process
  • Identify potential facility siting locations
  • Simulation of the progression of a block cave profile and understand the stress impact on mining infrastructure
  • Capture the seismogenic zone inherent in mining to better mitigate the potential of air blasts
  • Readily categorise the mining induced fractures and their impact on production volume
  • Identify remediation strategies for stalled block caves
  • Readily determine a particle size distribution curve of the mined ore

Our Software

Elfen’s flexibility and modelling power has allowed it to be successfully utilised in a wide range of industries. We have developed specialist software modules to cater towards your specific industry. 

Elfen Advanced

Elfen Advanced

Elfen Advanced provides a full understanding of the stress regime, deformation, seismogenic zone, particle size prediction and production profile that results from the excavation of open pits, long wall mines or sub-level caves.

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